
Death: An Exploration
Discover Insights about Coping with Life’s Most Feared Mystery
This book will help anyone who is interested in learning more about death, coping with a loss, approaching death, or explaining death to a child. It is an exploratory journey that includes multiple viewpoints, including Steve Jobs’s embrace of his death, Ray Kurzweil’s striving for immortality, and Joseph Campbell’s view of death as the “ornament of life.”
The book looks at death from the perspectives of atheists, Christians, and Tibetan Buddhists, among many others. Interestingly, it considers the often unexplored aspects such as the curious relationship between death and ayahuasca. It is a guidebook, offering insights and comfort on a topic that many find frightening or macabre.
The author grew up with a skeleton in his living room, and surrounded by other symbols of death. His unusual upbringing makes him uniquely qualified to serve as guide. As you join him in discovering more about death, you will find yourself enjoying a fuller life.
Inside the Chinese Wine Industry
The perfect book to read with a glass of wine in hand, Inside The Chinese Wine Industry takes you on a thrilling adventure through the past, present, and future of wine in China.
The wine business is one of the world’s most compelling industries and China is considered the rising star. A hidden secret, the Chinese wine production continues to grow at an amazing pace. It is poised to soon enter the top five producing nations, supplanting long established countries such as Australia.
Wine has had a meteoric rise in China over the past two decades. The nation is projected to become the second most valuable market for wine in the world by 2020. One recent study concluded that 96% of young Chinese adults consider wine their alcoholic drink of choice. Not only does Inside the Chinese Wine Industry explore current expansion and business models, it also journeys back to the past to see where it all began.
Additionally, the book explores current considerations such as how the US-Chinese trade war will affect the Chinese Wine Industry.

Academic Betrayal
Fueled by a desire to become a teacher, Loren Mayshark entered Hunter College in 2008, with the intention of gaining a master’s degree in three years. Six years and tens of thousands of dollars later, he abandoned his studies without attaining the degree. This is the tale of one young man’s journey through the labyrinth of American higher education, stymied by haughty professors, an inept administration, and ridiculous policies. In the process, he nearly lost his desire for academic learning and his reverence for the educational system,and came close to losing his will to live.
As Loren Mayshark discovered, his experience was not unique. Across the United States, graduate students are increasingly finding themselves caught in a vortex of burgeoning loans, byzantine policies, and administrative lassitude. The casualties, as this book makes clear, are the next generation of American minds.