Liberation Through Verse: How Poetry Sets You Free
Poetry has been a part of my life most of the way. While working on Subterranean Mixtape, I exhumed some of my earliest poems, and it has been a trip looking back at them. Here is one poem that I wrote in seventh grade: See Me As I Am Paint me red, Paint me...
Philip K. Dick Meets Blade Runner 2049: A Journey into Perception and Truth
The remake of Blade Runner, which is loosely based on Philip K. Dick’s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? reminds us of the man’s brilliance.Moreover, it is astounding the prescience of a man who initially set his novel in 2021 (it was written in 1968) to...
My Eclectic Literary Journey: My Top Three Reads of 2023
Hey there, fellow book enthusiasts! It's been a literary rollercoaster, and today, I reflect on 2023 and I want to share the best books I’ve read. These are the ones that have kept me up at night, fueled my imagination, and made this past year an unforgettable...
A New Piece of Fiction Published in The Plentitudes
Every writer seems to be on a journey and perhaps like life itself, no journey is exactly the same. My journey began far before I was ever aware that I would become a writer. I have always had a fondness for language, a propensity to play with words, and a nearly...
How Exploring Our Shadows Can Improve Our Lives
There are all types of lights and shadows in our lives. As I mentioned in my last newsletter, there is an actual physical light and shadow sequence that affects our lives. The warmth of the sun and protection of darkness can change our moods. Extended times of...
Failure is an Opportunity on the Road to Success
“I have failed over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” ― Michael Jordan During my time on this planet, I have rarely tasted the sweet nectar of success. But I have had plenty of experience with failure. It has been this extensive experience that has...
10 Facts About Hermann Hesse to Celebrate His Birthday
Perhaps no other writer captured my imagination as much as Hermann Hesse did in my early twenties. Both my parents admired Hesse, and it was perhaps my rebellious spirit that caused me to eschew his work for so long. But reading Narcissus and Goldman got me quite...
"After You Die" by Rakim Deserves a Deeper Exploration
The beat of hip-hop has long served as a soundtrack for cities across the US and around the world, inspiring young people and creating a subculture that affects everything from fashion to politics. Ask any hip hop fanatic about Rakim and they will tell you that...
College Presidents Salaries And The Corporatization Of Higher Ed
The salaries of university presidents might be the clearest indication of what is happening in higher education, profiteering at the expense of those who want to further themselves through education in these uncertain times. With the increase of the cost of college...