by Loren Mayshark | Jan 9, 2025 | Uncategorized
Poetry has been a part of my life most of the way. While working on Subterranean Mixtape, I exhumed some of my earliest poems, and it has been a trip looking back at them. Here is one poem that I wrote in seventh grade: See Me As I Am Paint me red, Paint me...
by Loren Mayshark | Dec 17, 2024 | Uncategorized
The remake of Blade Runner, which is loosely based on Philip K. Dick’s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? reminds us of the man’s brilliance. Moreover, it is astounding the prescience of a man who initially set his novel in 2021 (it was written in 1968) to...
by Loren Mayshark | Dec 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
Hey there, fellow book enthusiasts! It’s been a literary rollercoaster, and today, I reflect on 2023 and I want to share the best books I’ve read. These are the ones that have kept me up at night, fueled my imagination, and made this past year an unforgettable...
by Loren Mayshark | May 18, 2022 | Uncategorized, Writing
Every writer seems to be on a journey and perhaps like life itself, no journey is exactly the same. My journey began far before I was ever aware that I would become a writer. I have always had a fondness for language, a propensity to play with words, and a nearly...
by Loren Mayshark | Nov 4, 2020 | Uncategorized
“I have failed over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” ― Michael Jordan During my time on this planet, I have rarely tasted the sweet nectar of success. But I have had plenty of experience with failure. It has been this extensive experience that has...
by Loren Mayshark | Nov 9, 2016 | Uncategorized
I was excited to hear about the talk being presented about Eva Saulitis on October 18th at SUNY Fredonia. The event was a must given my admiration for her. It was a reading and discussion of her work by her partner Craig Matkin, executive director of the North Gulf...